Leadership Kaua'i Adult Class of 2009
Adult Class of 2009 (In alphabetical order): Rob Abrew, Jessica Amas, Damian Baptiste, Lisa Chun, Victor Cloutier, Dawn Cummings, Eric Devlin, Victoria Gordon, Edison Iloreta, Jennifer Ishikawa, Melody James, Ezra Kanoho, Monica Kawakami, Daniel Momohara, Sean Perkins, Milani Pimental, Shawn Shimabukuro, Erika Sy, Elton Ushio, Kari Villabrille, Mary Williamson
Pi'ina Hoku Youth Class of 2009
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Leadership Kaua'i is a 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to providing culturally based leadership programs, cultivating skilled and committed leaders to guide the people of Kaua‘i through sensitive social and economic challenges.
Leadership Kaua'i is a 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to providing culturally based leadership programs, cultivating skilled and committed leaders to guide the people of Kaua‘i through sensitive social and economic challenges.