MAHALO NUI LOA to everyone who provided us with the opportunity to raise funds for Leadership Kauaʻi at this past weekendʻs Wellness Expo!
Thank you so much to Char Ravelo & Fran Becker (Wellness Expo coordinators), our alumni and supporters who donated food/supplies and a special note of gratitude to Brenda Jose, Keith Yap, Lana Spencer, Ed Sancious, Royce Kawabata, Mark Hubbard and Tom Lodico for giving your time and talents to feed the masses which in turn feeds our youth and adult program! ---------------------------------- Aloha LK Alumni and Ohana! We are excited to be participating in the upcoming Wellness Expo and need your kokua! Alumni Brenda Jose and Keith Yap have graciously volunteered to operate the food booth at the Expo on behalf of Leadership Kaua`i. This will be a fun activity that will help us raise some much-needed funds! Here's how you can help: 1) Donate one or more of the following items:
2) Volunteer your time to help set-up and to help during the event at the Kaua`i Memorial Convention Hall: Friday, February 8th 4p - 7p Set-up and Prep Saturday, February 9th 7:30a - 11:00a 11:00a - 2:30p 2:30p - 6p Sunday, February 10th 7:30a - 11:00a 11:00a - 2:30p 2:30p - 6p For more information, or to offer your kokua, please contact Brenda Jose via email at [email protected] We hope to see you there! Mahalo!
January 2017
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Leadership Kaua'i is a 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to providing culturally based leadership programs, cultivating skilled and committed leaders to guide the people of Kaua‘i through sensitive social and economic challenges.
Leadership Kaua'i is a 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to providing culturally based leadership programs, cultivating skilled and committed leaders to guide the people of Kaua‘i through sensitive social and economic challenges.